Spring week 1 newsletter

Spring week 1 newsletter.
Welcome back, Outstanding Observational Drawings and RAF Glider day
Welcome back - here is our newsletter for Spring week 1
Welcome back!
All the staff at Co-op Academy Oakwood hope that you and your family have had a restful time over the Christmas period.
The children have come back to school ready to learn and we are excited for all of the events we have planned. This has been shared with you via the ‘Key Events’ letter at the end of last term.
Each and every day is important so coming to school every day is important.
We would like to welcome Mrs Whincup to Co-op Academy Oakwood. She will be working in Class 8 and Class 9. Mrs Walker will join us until February in Class 3.
Outstanding observational drawings
Our amazing artists in Early Years have created some fantastic observational drawings of woodland creatures and peacock feathers. The children looked carefully at the objects and created drawings using charcoal, paints and pens.
This is part of their ‘Animal Magic’ topic where they are investigating contrasting environments, habitats and different animals. They are reading the story ‘Winter Sleep’.
Look at the amazing artwork created on X (formally twitter).
RAF glider day - Year 5
Pupils in Year 5 had an online workshop led by the RAF. Faith spoke with the children and discussed how to make gliders. This is part of a country-wide competition where the school with the winning glider getting to go and visit a jet show where they will meet members of the RAF and engineers.
If you see any Year 5 pupil - ask them whose glider went the furthest.