Newsletter - Spring 1 week 4

Newsletter - Spring 1 week 4 - Time to Talk day, Learning at Co-op and attendance
Time To Talk Thursday 6th February 9 -10:30am
It’s good to talk! We would like to invite you to join us in the hall for a brew and biscuit. Come along and meet friendly people who would be happy to chat!
Learning at Co-op Academy Oakwood
Greenfinches have been working hard to find doubles. Peregrine class have been investigating the thermal properties of different materials this afternoon. We were real scientists, using thermometers and stopwatches to record our results. We found that foil is the best thermal conductor and bubblewrap is the best thermal insulator. Year 4, 5 and 6 have challenged their Box 2 Be Fit skills with Dave!
Celebration and Attendance assemblies!
Each week we celebrate our children's achievements. You are most welcome to join us. For Early Years and KS1 we meet at 9am every Friday. For KS2 we meet at 2:45pm every Friday. Come and ‘Spin the wheel’ with us!