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Educational Visits Policy 2024-2025

Educational Visits Policy

Date of issue: September 2024

Date of review: September 2025

Ratified by Trust Board 19th October 2023

Co-op Academy Oakwood is committed to safeguarding every student. We acknowledge that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and ensure all of our staff are trained to be vigilant and aware of the signs and indicators of abuse and understand and follow safe working practices.

The viewpoints and voice of students is of paramount importance to our Academy and we will always listen to their wishes, thoughts and feelings, as well as identifying and supporting their needs. We will work alongside students to develop trusting, consistent and professional relationships and show we care by advocating the early help processes where possible. We will identify any difficulties or concerns early in order to act preventatively. We will always provide support and advice for families and parents/carers, whilst acting in the best interests of the student at all times and doing what matters most. Safeguarding also includes ensuring we work in an open and honest way, enabling our students to feel safe by providing a secure learning environment, are equally protected regardless of any barriers they may face and are able to grow and develop in the same way as their peers.

Co-op Academy Oakwood safeguards students by:

  • Maintaining a secure site and ensuring that all visitors to the Academy are recorded, monitored and clear about how to raise a safeguarding concern should one arise.
  • Ensuring that safer recruitment practices are followed to prevent those who pose a risk to children gaining access to our students.
  • Filtering and monitoring all internet traffic into the Academy to ensure that students cannot be exposed to harmful material and communication.
  • Ensuring that all staff employed by the Academy have received Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) clearance which is recorded in the Single Central Record
  • Providing regular training and briefings for all staff in child protection and ensuring that all staff and visitors know who our designated safeguarding officers and designated senior lead are.
  • Ensuring that admission and attendance procedures are robust to protect students, ensure that they are safe and prevent students from going missing from education.
  • Empowering young people to identify risks both within the Academy and in their community; ensuring that they have the skills and confidence to help and protect themselves and others.
  • Making sure that all students understand the importance of reporting concerns about themselves and peers and giving them the confidence to discuss sensitive issues.
  • Providing pastoral and inclusion support to ensure that all students have access to guidance and advice, and when needed referrals for additional agency support to meet their needs.
  • Sharing information when appropriate with other agencies and services to ensure that students, children and their families have support to meet their needs and prevent students from harm or further harm
  • Taking immediate action and contacting the appropriate agencies when we believe that a student is in danger or is at risk of harm.

Co-op Academy Oakwood is committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of all of our pupils. We expect our staff, governors, wider professionals, volunteers and all other stakeholders to share this commitment. All of our policies are underpinned and linked to our safeguarding policy through this commitment.

This policy should be read in conjunction with Co-op Academies Trusts Educational Visits Policy



At Co-op Academy Oakwood we see the benefits to learning outside the classroom and educational visits to be crucial to the ‘Catch Up’ and recovery to learning post pandemic. We have seen real disruption to our routine, and the traumas faced by students, parents, families and staff have affected us all in very different ways. The opportunities to rebuild trust and relationships are often greater whilst out of the classroom. Being outside also encourages physical activity following a period where some of our school community have been housebound.


Learning outside the classroom activities and educational visits are used as teaching and learning tools for the delivery of elements of Co-op Academy Oakwood’s Curriculum statement.


Learning outside the classroom activities and educational visits have clear and measurable aims which link to Co-op Academy Oakwood’s statement of intent/curriculum intent. The impact contributes to pupils’ attainment and progress. Co-op Academy Oakwood’s approach to the evaluation of activities and visits is set out in this policy.


We believe that educational visits are an integral part of the entitlement of every pupil to an effective and balanced curriculum. Appropriately planned visits enhance learning and improve attainment, and so form a key part of what makes Co-op Academy Oakwood a supportive and effective learning environment. The benefits to pupils of taking part in visits and learning outside the classroom include, but are not limited to:

  • Experiences of the world around them.
  • Improvements in their ability to cope with change.
  • Increased critical curiosity and resilience.
  • Opportunities for meaning making, creativity, developing learning relationships and developing  strategic awareness.
  • Increased levels of trust and opportunities to examine the concept of trust (us in them, them in us, them in themselves, them in each other).
  • Improved achievement and attainment across a range of curricular subjects. Pupils are active participants not passive consumers, and a wide range of learning styles can flourish.
  • Enhanced opportunities for ‘real world’ ‘learning in context’ and the development of the social and emotional aspects of intelligence.
  • Increased risk management skills through opportunities for involvement in practical risk-benefit decisions in a range of contexts, i.e. encouraging pupils to become more risk aware as opposed to risk averse.
  • Greater sense of personal responsibility.
  • Possibilities for genuine team working including enhanced communication skills.
  • Improved environmental appreciation, knowledge, awareness and understanding of a variety of environments.
  • Improved awareness and knowledge of the importance and practices of sustainability.
  • Physical skill acquisition and the development of a fit and healthy lifestyle.


Any visit that leaves the school grounds is covered by this policy, whether as part of the curriculum, during school time, or outside the normal school day.

This Educational Visits Policy should be read in conjunction with:

  1. The Co-op Academies Trust policy document ‘Educational visits statement’ (available to all staff via Evolve).
  2. National Guidance

Co-op Academy Oakwood uses EVOLVE for off-site activities and for all educational visits.


All staff are required to plan and execute visits in line with school policy (this document), the Co-op Academies Trust policies and National Guidelines. Staff are particularly directed to be familiar with the roles and responsibilities outlined within the guidance.

Types of Visit & Approval

There are three ‘types’ of visit:

  1. Visits/activities within the ‘School Learning Area’ that are part of the normal curriculum and take place during the normal school day.

These follow the ‘School Learning Area’ Operating Procedure (Appendix 1).

  1. Other non-residential visits within the UK that do not involve an adventurous activity.

These are entered on EVOLVE by the visit leader and submitted to the EVC for checking. The EVC then submits to the Head for approval.

  1. Visits that are overseas, residential, or involve an adventurous activity.

As above, but the Head authorises and then submits to the Trust for approval.


Co-op Academy Oakwood uses the Evolve system to plan, manage and record educational visits.

Visit Leaders should plan and prepare visits allowing time for internal and external vetting and approval as required. Normally this will mean that visit plans should be submitted to the EVC by the following deadlines:

  • 3 to 6 months before departure for Overseas Visits
  • 6 weeks before departure for Residentials
  • 6 weeks before departure for Adventure Activities
  • 6 weeks before departure for other types of visit

If for any reason these deadlines cannot be met, clarification and approval should be sought from the EVC.

Roles and responsibilities

Visit leaders are responsible for the planning of their visits, and for entering these on EVOLVE (where required). They should obtain outline permission for a visit from the Head Teacher or EVC prior to planning, and certainly before making any financial commitments. Visit leaders have responsibility for ensuring that their visits will comply with all relevant guidance and requirements.

The Educational Visits Coordinator (EVC) is Claire Spivey, who will support and challenge colleagues over visits and learning outside the classroom (LOtC) activities. The EVC is the first point of contact for advice on visit related matters, and will check final visit plans on EVOLVE before submitting them to the Head.  The EVC sets up and manages the staff accounts on EVOLVE, and uploads generic school documents, etc.

The Head Teacher has responsibility for authorising all visits, and for submitting all overseas, residential or adventurous activity visits to the Trust for approval, via EVOLVE.

The Governing Body’s role is that of a ‘critical friend’ and it will:

  1. Adopt and periodically review this policy, as required.
  2. Ensure there is a competent Educational Visit Coordinator (EVC) in place who meets the requirements outlined in ‘National Guidance’ and has completed the Employer’s EVC Training Programme and any updates as required.
  3. Review the range of visits provided by the school via a report submitted twice a year by the EVC.

Individual governors may request ‘read-only’ access to EVOLVE.

(Refer to document 3.4f)

The Co-op Academy Trust is responsible for the final approval (via EVOLVE) of all visits that are either overseas, residential, and/or involve an adventurous activity.


Trips will be evaluated based on the impact the trip has had on learning; how well it met its intended outcomes; pupil engagement; value for money and the impact on pupils’ wellbeing.

After the trip pupil voice will be collated and shared with subject leaders as well as class teachers.

Trip will also be evaluated in regards to risk assessments, lessons learnt as well as value for money if it is to be repeated.

Staff Competence

Co-op Academy Oakwood recognises that staff competence is the single most important factor in the safe management of visits, and so we support staff in developing their competence in the following ways:

  • An apprenticeship system, where staff new to visits assist and work alongside experienced visit leaders before taking on a leadership role.
  • Supervision by senior staff on some educational visits.
  • Support for staff to attend training courses relevant to their role, where necessary.

In deciding whether a member of staff is competent to be a visit leader, the Head Teacher will take into account the following factors:

  • Relevant experience.
  • Previous relevant training.
  • The prospective leader’s ability to make dynamic risk management judgements, and take charge in the event of an emergency.
  • Knowledge of the pupils, the venue, and the activities to be undertaken.

Emergency procedures

A critical incident is any incident where events go beyond the normal coping mechanisms and experience of the visit leadership team.

The school has an emergency plan in place to deal with a critical incident during a visit (see Appendix 2). All staff on visits are familiar with this plan and it is tested at least annually and following any major staffing changes.

When an incident overwhelms the establishment’s emergency response capability, or where it involves serious injury or fatality, or where it is likely to attract media attention then assistance will be sought from the Co-op Academies Trust.

Educational Visits Checklist

Co-op Academy Oakwood’s Educational Visits Checklist forms part of the risk management process for visits and off-site activities. This has been adapted from the National Guidance generic checklist. See appendix 4.  A visit should usually only go ahead if the answer to all relevant questions is ‘YES’. Co-op Academy Oakwood’s Educational Visits Checklist may be downloaded from EVOLVE Resources.

Parental Consent 

Consent is not required for each individual activity within the School Learning Area that is part of the normal curriculum during normal school time. At the start of the year a letter gaining permission will be obtained from families. See appendix 3.

Specific parental consent must be obtained for all other visits. For these visits, sufficient information must be made available to parents (via letters, meetings, etc), so that consent is given on a ‘fully informed’ basis. Staff will use the letter template from the academy. See appendix 5.


Co-op Academy Oakwood is committed to inclusion and will include all students in our offsite activities wherever this is reasonably practicable. Co-op Academy Oakwood  will use the document 3.2e from to ensure that we comply with the Equality Act 2010

Charging / funding for visits

Co-op Academy Oakwood uses some of its financial resources to fund trips. Parental contributions are asked for. Visits and trips will only run if sufficient contribution is made.


Co-op Academies Trust Guidance is followed if the school minibus is used. Only members of staff who have the training, qualifications and experience to drive the minibus will do so. The pre checks will be made by the member of staff driving the vehicle. They will be accompanied by another member of staff who will supervise the pupils.

Use of staff cars to transport pupils – Refer to the Co-op Academy Trust’s guidance document. 


Visits are covered under policies arranged through the Co-op academies Trust.

Other topics

Add your own sections here, and include any generic procedures/rules that must be followed, for example:

Volunteers will not be allowed to be with pupils unsupervised. They will have had training from staff in regards to safeguarding.

These will take place weekly for some pupils (Year 3 and Year 4). One Evolve will be completed at the start of the year with all of the dates included.

If staffing changes occur (due to absence or illness) staff will be replaced like for like. If that is not possible a note must be added to Evolve. At least two experienced members of staff will go swimming as well as a teacher.

Appendix 1 – School Learning Area


Visits/activities within the ‘School Learning Area’ that are part of the normal curriculum and take place during the normal school day follow the Operating Procedure below.

These visits/activities:

  • do not require parental consent this will be covered by a walks in the local area permission slip which is sent at the start of the year (see appendix )
  • do not normally need additional risk assessments / notes (other than following the Operating Procedure below).
  • do need to be recorded on EVOLVE


The boundaries of the School Learning Area are shown on the attached map. This area includes, but is not limited to, the following frequently used venues:

  • Lidl
  • Fearnville
  • Gipton Methodist Church
  • Saint Nicholas Catholic Church

Operating Procedure for School Learning Area

The following are potentially significant issues/hazards within our School Learning Area:

  • Road traffic.
  • Other people / members of the public / animals.
  • Losing a pupil.
  • Uneven surfaces and slips, trips, and falls.
  • Weather conditions.
  • Activity specific issues when doing environmental fieldwork (nettles, brambles, rubbish, etc).

These are managed by a combination of the following:

  • The Head / Deputy and EVC must give approval before a group leaves and risk assessments for walking must be submitted onto EVOLVE.
  • Only staff judged competent to supervise groups in this environment are approved. A current list of approved staff is maintained by the EVC and office.

  • There will normally be a minimum of two adults.
  • Staff are familiar with the area, including any ‘no go areas’, and have practiced appropriate group management techniques.
  • Pupils have been trained and have practiced standard techniques for road crossings in a group.
  • Where appropriate, pupils are fully briefed on what to do if they become separated from the group.
  • There will be no remotely supervised work in the School Learning Area.
  • Pupils’ clothing and footwear is checked for appropriateness prior to leaving school.
  • Staff are aware of any relevant pupil medical information and ensure that any required medication is available.
  • Staff will deposit in the office a list of all pupils and staff, a proposed route, and an estimated time of return.
  • A school mobile is taken with each group and the office have a note of the number.
  • Appropriate personal protective equipment is taken when needed (eg gloves, goggles)

Appendix 2 – Emergency Procedure

Our plan in an emergency uses Co-op Academies Trust’s Model Emergency Plan for Major Incidents.

  1. The nominated emergency base contact will be the headteacher or deputy headteacher, in their absence a member of the SLT will act as this. Staff will have their direct numbers as well as the school number.
  2. All medical and health information will be shared with the visit leader and staff - this includes that of pupils, staff and other adult volunteers.
  3. For visits outside of normal school hours, the nominated emergency base contact will be the headteacher or deputy headteacher. Staff will have their direct numbers.
  4. For visits outside of normal school hours, staff will have printed medical and emergency contact information for all participants - this includes that of pupils, staff and other adult volunteers.
  5. Visit leader/s and the base contact/s know to request support from the Co-op Academy Trust in the event that an incident overwhelms the establishment’s emergency response capability, involves serious injury or fatality, or where it is likely to attract media attention.
  6. For all visits, the visit leader will carry an emergency response sheet.
  7. This Emergency Procedure will be tested through both desk top exercises and periodic scenario calls from visit leaders.

Appendix 3 – Local trips start of the school year letter

Dear Families,

Local area trips

This year we plan to undertake local trips to places in the local area. This may include a walk around the local area, the church and local parks. This letter gives permission for each of these trips.

As part of the trips we will learn about the local area and the people who live and work in it.

We are going to support the learning in science, RE, history and geography.

If your child has any medication, inhalers, allergies or dietary requirements, please let your child’s class teacher know.

Please complete the permission slip to show that you will allow your child to join these activities.

Many thanks for your support,

Year xx team


Local Area trips

I give permission for __________________________________________________ Class ___________

 to attend the trip to join their class on Local Area trips.

Signed _________________________________ Full name ______________________________

Date ___________

Appendix 4 – Visit Leader Checklist

Name of establishment  Click or tap here to enter text.

Brief description of visit
Click or tap here to enter text.

Date(s) of visit  Click or tap here to enter text.

Name of Visit Leader completing the checklist
Click or tap here to enter text.


☐   The intent of the visit is clear, integral to the establishment’s curriculum/programme, and focuses on the learning and development of the participants (4.3a).

☐   The risks of all aspects of the visit have been considered and it is clear what leaders need to do to manage the risks (4.3c).

☐   There is access to first aid appropriate to the group and environment (4.4b).

☐   Suitable insurance is in place (4.4c).

☐   There are alternative options (a ‘Plan B’) as necessary (4.1a).

☐   There are emergency procedures for which leaders and emergency contacts have been prepared (4.1c, 4.1g).

☐   I have access to sufficient funds and an effective means of communication in case of emergency.

☐   External providers and facilities meet expected standards (4.4g).

☐   Any contract with a provider is satisfactory and has been agreed by an authorised person in my establishment (3.2i).

☐   The visit meets the requirements of my employer and establishment.

☐   Evaluation and review arrangements have been agreed (4.2c, 5.1d).


☐   I am clearly identified and approved as the Visit Leader and am aware of my responsibilities (3.4k).

☐   All leaders and helpers are clear about their roles, can fulfil them competently, and have been approved (3.2d, 4.2a).

☐   There are sufficient leaders and helpers to ensure effective supervision and deal with incidents and emergencies (4.3b).

☐   If the visit involves an external provider, there is clarity about the respective roles of provider staff and establishment staff (4.4h).

☐   Leaders and helpers have received all relevant information about the visit and the group, and are clear about any risks and their role in managing them.

☐   If accompanying leaders are taking a family member on the visit, there are arrangements to ensure that this will not compromise group management.

☐   I have kept my Educational Visits Coordinator (EVC) informed during the planning process.


☐   The programme of activities is designed to achieve the visit’s intent, and is appropriate to the nature of the participants.

☐   The risks involved in specific activities have been considered (7.1a to 7.1z).

☐   The Visit Leadership Team includes leaders competent in the planned activities, or a suitable provider has been contracted to lead the activities.

☐   There is sufficient suitable equipment available.

☐   Travel/transport arrangements are appropriate (4.5a).


☐   Parents have been fully informed about the visit and have given their consent if this is required (4.3d).

☐   There are clear agreements with participants/parents about any requirements such as charges.  If necessary, these are aligned with the terms and conditions of any contracts with providers (3.2c, 3.2i).

☐   Up to date contact details, medical and allergy information, dietary requirements and information about special needs are available and shared appropriately with the Visit Leadership Team and any provider (4.4j, 6o).

☐   If food is provided, it meets the requirements of ‘Natasha’s Law’ (6o).

☐   Where appropriate, participants have been involved in planning, including identifying and deciding how to manage risks.

☐   Plans for the visit comply with current guidance about epidemics (such as coronavirus 4.4k).

☐   Participants have been well informed about what is expected of them, and – if it is appropriate – have agreed to a code of conduct (8.1i).

☐   Safeguarding issues are addressed (4.3e).

☐   Inclusion issues are addressed (3.2e, 4.4i).

☐   Medication issues are addressed (4.4d).

☐   Dietary issues are addressed.


☐   Environmental factors (e.g. weather, daylight hours, water levels, natural and man-made hazards) have been considered (7.2i, 7.2j).

☐   Accessibility issues are addressed (4.4i).

☐   I have undertaken a preliminary visit, or am already familiar with the venue and any provider, or have sufficient information from other sources (4.4g).

☐   Any accommodation is safe and suitable (4.2b).

☐   Security is addressed, especially for residential and overseas visits (4.2b, 7.1r).

☐   The risk of terrorism has been considered (4.4e).


☐   My decision is that this visit is well prepared and should take place.

☐   The visit plan has been approved by my establishment/employer if required.

Appendix 5 – template letter

Dear Families,

Name of trip

Date of trip

Year xx will be going on a trip to (NAME OF PLACE). On (DATE OF TRIP). We will be leaving the academy at (TIME) and arriving back at (TIME). We will be (WALKING TO OR TRAVELLING BY COACH/MINIBUS) to (NAME OF PLACE).

As part of the trip we will be (NAME ACTIVITIES).  

We are going to support the learning in (NAME LEARNING OUTCOMES)

The trip is being partially subsidised by the academy and we are asking parents for a voluntary contribution of (AMOUNT). If not enough contributions are made, then unfortunately the visit will be cancelled.

Please make sure that your child is wearing their uniform and sensible shoes.

They will need:

  • A waterproof (warm) coat
  • A water bottle
  • Lunch (if they are do not have free school meals)
  • To be wearing suncream (if summer)

If your child has any medication, inhalers, allergies or dietary requirements, please let your child’s class teacher know.

Please complete the permission slip as soon as possible with your contribution.

Many thanks for your support,

Year xx team


Name of trip

Date of trip

I give permission for __________________________________________________ Class ___________

 to attend the trip to (NAME OF TRIP)

Signed _________________________________ Full name ______________________________

Date ___________